Thursday 28 January 2010

Initial Research

So, I've decided to go for my most crazy idea; inventing a product. I don't know whether this realistically is a good idea given the timeframe but I thought hey, it's my last project of the year, might as well be ambitious and if I find it really isn't working out I can always change my idea. But obviously because we had to hand in our learning agreement with our proposed idea in about 2 weeks time, I needed to figure out whether this route would b a viable one.

I began by writing down and sketching out the random ideas that immediately popped into my head. My mindset was to think of something that would be useful on a day to day basis, something that you have to do every day and think 'wouldn't it be so much easier if this product was like this!' of course I also recorded ideas that were just down right cool (ie. furry headphones- headphone muffs).

At this point I was looking at websites which sold really innovative designs of products to look for inspiration, some examples:

From this I came across this image and I thought, how cool.

"What appears to be two or three cups nestled within each other is actually only one cup. Stacked Cups are available in white and black, and come in a set of triple, double, and single size cups."

I started to think how cool it would be if cups had a magnetic mechanism which allowed one to stack numerous cups without worrying about them toppling over and falling to the floor. This would be especially useful after a huge dinner party when you had to clear the table; you would be manically juggling dirty plates and cutlery, how nice would it be if you didn't have to worry about the thought of breaking one of your very nicely design mug or cup?

Ok, so maybe I'm just going over my head with this awesome idea. After coming up with it I did then see this product which put me down slightly:

On some level I wished I didn't see these designs because they were a lot cooler than my idea, it almost blew my mind. Especially when all I could come up with to explain my idea was this:

I'm not even sure I myself understood how my idea worked after looking at this illustration. Oh the dream of wanting to design a product to be sold at Magma (the shop I worship), it all seemed to be slipping away from my fingertips. I even emailed the Magma team asking them about the people who visit their shop to get a feel for the target audience I'm dealing with:

Unfortunately they didn't reply to my email, sadface.

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