Monday 4 April 2011

First Crit

So after deciding my typeface I moved onto the concept of how I would represent the abcs in the alphabet. The first thing that came to mind was using the animals, although this is quite a cliché, it is the easiest category to find an animal for each letter and one that everyone knows of.

Although in order to make my learning cards stand out compared to the rest of them already available I need to think of a good selling point. I began thinking of the technique of creating the imagery to make it unique. So I just randomly chose the word 'apple' and started drawing it in different ways to see if anything amazing would pop up.

From this I think I've decided I want to use found material to create my imagery because it is unique and would be something the children are familiar with and can relate to. Instead of just doing fruit, I think using exotic fruit and veg to represent the letters would be a good way to go because it targets yummy mummies as they would want to educate their children to eat a diverse range of fruit and veg and generally be healthy.

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