Sunday 20 March 2011

Random Tutorial

So, I had two random tutorials in the studio today. Probably just as well because I was a little stuck with where to go next with my project. It seemed like I had a ton of research done and I was getting a little bogged down with this part of the project and not actively going out and experimenting with my ideas.

Some things I was told to look at:
1) Maybe look at how the alphabet is taught in different countries.
2) Talk to classmates and 1st years because some of them have children or younger brothers and sisters.
3) Create a questionnaire asking people of their opinions of what works best when teaching children the alphabet for the first time.
4) Start thinking about stock, email printers and get quotes possibly?

The second tutorial which followed not long after took me by surprise a little because I was not expecting to have to explain where I was with my project twice but oh well, it still gave me some useful insights on how to develop my idea.

1) Research MONTESSORI which is a method of teaching (sand paper alphabet)
2) Go to bookshops to research the stock and format of children's books to get a feel for what works well. Also to see how they shelve the books.
3) Design a questionnaire for nursery- make it more exciting to fill in, target the audience.
4) Clarify your target audience, needs to be more simple if for young toddlers.

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