Saturday 12 March 2011

Sara Fanelli

So, after researching different alphabet designs I realised that mixed media styled designs work quite well to make learning the alphabet more interesting and engaging. I feel like when books use just realistic illustrations they become quite boring because it's too similar to real life. It doesn't leave room for your own imagination to fill in the gaps and thus the children don't get the chance to learn about creativity which is something they really enjoy.

When thinking of mixed media, Sara Fanelli's work comes to mind as a first port of call:

I think her work is very creative but sometimes it's a bit too over the top and I don't know where to look because there's too much going on within one page. I like how all her work is so surreal but it still conveys the message well. It's a much more interesting way of representing the stories.

I like the use of different patterns to create the background, it gives a feel of having different textures which is more engaging for the viewer. In addition, the typography is always very interesting, not sure whether there's too much variation within each piece but it seems to work quite well as a combination.

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