Saturday 5 February 2011

Learning Agreement Presentation

Notes for Presentation:
1) I am doing a branding/packaging project (and selling it, i.e. advertising).
2) Going to create a design product which makes a daily problem easier/encourage people to do something (they don't normally want to do). Much like the magnetic cup idea of some kind of kitchenware product to make cooking easier (like chopping board by Joseph Joseph that folds slightly to make it easier to tip chopped up vegetables into saucepan)
3) Something to simply inspire through creativity.
4) Something you might find in Magma.
5) Maybe have a collection and incorporate a graphic system.
6) Need to find a reason to create this product.
7) Think of an old product that hasn't been seen in a long time- bring back and rebrand. Maybe an old toy?

Ok, so maybe I wasn't 100% prepared for this presentation. I had no idea how far we had to have gotten with our project and what exactly it was we had to present. The presentation style was very varied within the class, some people showed images that would inspire them in their project, some had already pin-pointed what their final piece would look like(which I'm sure is mental seeing as we've only had this brief for a week) and some just spoke out to the class without any projected supporting material.

I was one of those people, I just stood there and made my point without any supporting imagery; which at the time I regretted because at least if I had a pdf projected onto the wall the class would be busy staring at that rather than glaring me down throughout my whole presentation. Oh well, positive pressure is good I guess (I want to think I'm good with public speaking but sometimes I stutter a little, part of the charm maybe? Well let's hope that's how it comes across).

Overall I didn't feel like the tutors liked my idea, well part of it was alright but I think it was down to me not preparing properly for the presentation, I don't think they completely got what I was on about. The main point though was that I wouldn't be able come up with an idea, brand it as well as package it. Thanks for the confidence in me guys...but seriously, I wouldn't have been able to do all that. So yes, back to the drawing board.

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