Tuesday 1 February 2011

Packaging Research

At this point I had decided that I wanted to brand and package an innovative product I would come up with to sell in a shop like Magma. So begins my research on packaging as a starting point. While many people consider packaging to be a byword for 'waste', it's value is actually beyond money and materials.

We don't know it but sometimes it is the packaging that encourages us to by the product, that little push that helps us decide. For example, the other day I was looking for a nice white wine to go with my curry dish. Note: I am the worst person at picking wines, I have very little knowledge within this field and don't think I will ever be able to distinguish all the variety of flavours in different wines, that's just not how my tongue works. If it tastes good it tastes good and it goes in my good book. Anyway, back to my story; so I was in Sainsbury's and was utterly confused on which wine to pick. One bottle stood out amongst the rest, not only because of the name Black Tower(which is just plain cool and reminds me of dragons, yes I'm a bit of a nerd) but more so because of the packaging. It was original and clean-cut, I just couldn't say no. You'll see what I mean if you follow this link

Of course, packaging wise, practically it has to look good, but also it needs to protect the contents, stack neatly in multiples and on standard pallets, and not fall off the shelves at point of sale. Packaging that is innovative is only innovative because people have either:
a) genuinely never seen it before.
b) or come across something that is strangely familiar but which has not been seen for a long time.

Packaging has to be:
1) Recognisable- memorable because of maybe the innovative design.
2) Informative- user should know how to open it without instructions.
3) Immediate- inform the user what the product is straight away.
4) Textural- budget permitted, this can be used to raise your packaging higher than competitors.
5) Functional- should have all the features required by a piece of basic packaging.
6) Dependable- especially important in food packaging, user should have confidence in it.

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