Saturday 26 February 2011

Poster Presentation Critique

We had to design a poster stating the research we had completed so far for the project. I thought for some reason this had to be quite wordy to be able to get my point through as to what it was I had been researching so this is what I came up with:

It became apparent that this was way too busy and didn't really show the qualities of a 'good poster'. So the day before our critique, I literally started the poster from scratch and used the old poster for reference as to what I would say during the presentation.

So, here's a poster that I did for the presentation which seemed more fitting for the theme I was going for, still include some of the research material I had gathered but more in a visual way rather than text text text:

Feedback for my presentation:
1) Need to test designs on children- more interaction with target audience.
2) Well thought out project, well-rounded. Just need to test things out.

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